How do festive visual merchandising and packaging help brands?

When it comes to festive visual merchandising, many stores in the US were pioneers. People look forward to the windows display of many stores in New York City during Christmas.  Increasingly, many other retail stores and supermarkets around the world have stepped up their game during the festive seasons. These stores also have a holidayContinue reading “How do festive visual merchandising and packaging help brands?”

How do QR Codes help with your product sales?

QR Codes Many companies are finding more creative ways to use QR Codes, because they are very versatile. Cinemas use QR Codes on tickets to allow patrons to go in. The government is using QR Codes for contact tracing. People are using QR Codes on name cards to bring others to their LinkedIn profiles. CompaniesContinue reading “How do QR Codes help with your product sales?”

Visual Merchandising Challenges and New Technologies

Technologies are getting into retail spaces, supermarkets and many other stores, most of them come in different payment methods to encourage cashless payment, and for bigger stores, “self-checkout” is becoming a trend as well. Buying decisions are getting made on the shelves. Retail point is one of the most critical part of the brand journey.Continue reading “Visual Merchandising Challenges and New Technologies”

What is POSM – Point of Sales Marketing?

POSM (also called POPM or POP) stands for “Point of Sale Materials”. These are advertising materials that are used to communicate product information to the consumers at the point of sale. POSM is part of visual merchandising or advertising campaign tool. There are many kinds of POSM’s used by brands for their promotions campaigns. TheseContinue reading “What is POSM – Point of Sales Marketing?”

Designed to Sell — How Visual Merchandising benefits your business.

Visual merchandising draws on concepts of consumer psychology and works to enhance your customers’ enjoyment. Making layout and product placement more visually pleasing could encourage consumers to buy more, return frequently, and spread the word about what you offer. Despite many potential benefits, there are many retailers who do not appreciate the importance of visualContinue reading “Designed to Sell — How Visual Merchandising benefits your business.”

Visual merchandising for your online store

Visual merchandising is normally associated with retail. However, with the new normal pushing more consumers online, it is important to have a good presence online with beautiful graphics and information on your products. For online, consumers visit the eCommerce site via mobile and web browsers. It is important to have an aesthetically pleasing online storeContinue reading “Visual merchandising for your online store”

Art of Gifts With Purchase

For marketing products, Gifts with Purchase is one of the more cost effective way to promote the product. Who does not love gifts? This is also a good way to make customer buy more of the product to get the “free gift”. The key idea of this is to promote your product, and improve yourContinue reading “Art of Gifts With Purchase”

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