Product Bundles

Many products have bundles, and these bundles can be: 1. Gift with purchase. 2. Products from the same brand. (Cross sell) 3. New Product launch and giving sample bundle with other sample products. 4. Bundle products that complement each other. Why do companies have product bundles? Bundles are product offer to entice customers for sales.Continue reading “Product Bundles”

How do QR Codes help with your product sales?

QR Codes Many companies are finding more creative ways to use QR Codes, because they are very versatile. Cinemas use QR Codes on tickets to allow patrons to go in. The government is using QR Codes for contact tracing. People are using QR Codes on name cards to bring others to their LinkedIn profiles. CompaniesContinue reading “How do QR Codes help with your product sales?”

What is POSM – Point of Sales Marketing?

POSM (also called POPM or POP) stands for “Point of Sale Materials”. These are advertising materials that are used to communicate product information to the consumers at the point of sale. POSM is part of visual merchandising or advertising campaign tool. There are many kinds of POSM’s used by brands for their promotions campaigns. TheseContinue reading “What is POSM – Point of Sales Marketing?”

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