Gift-With-Purchase Series that makes a set, can it be done?

Gift-with-purchase is a common sales tactic used by brands to entice buyers to purchase their products. Generally, the gift is exclusive and limited, offered only during the promotion for a limited period or “while stocks last.” This creates a sense of urgency and exclusivity of the special offer, while instilling ‘fear-of-missing-out’ or also known asContinue reading “Gift-With-Purchase Series that makes a set, can it be done?”

Current Practice of Market to Seniors

Even when your products do not target the senior demographic specifically, there is a chance that seniors do make a significant portion of your customers. As discussed, seniors are becoming a significant segment; they have a lot of buying power and spend more on non-essentials and hobbies.  So even when companies do not make productsContinue reading “Current Practice of Market to Seniors”

11 Tips to sell to Seniors.

Seniors are becoming a significant segment in many developed countries. They have a large amount of disposable income; they’re looking for guidance to help live longer, healthier lives. Marketing to seniors is different from marketing to other segments in general, as they may have additional requirements and preferences. Why Seniors? In many countries, the seniorsContinue reading “11 Tips to sell to Seniors.”

Product Bundles

Many products have bundles, and these bundles can be: 1. Gift with purchase. 2. Products from the same brand. (Cross sell) 3. New Product launch and giving sample bundle with other sample products. 4. Bundle products that complement each other. Why do companies have product bundles? Bundles are product offer to entice customers for sales.Continue reading “Product Bundles”

How do QR Codes help with your product sales?

QR Codes Many companies are finding more creative ways to use QR Codes, because they are very versatile. Cinemas use QR Codes on tickets to allow patrons to go in. The government is using QR Codes for contact tracing. People are using QR Codes on name cards to bring others to their LinkedIn profiles. CompaniesContinue reading “How do QR Codes help with your product sales?”

Cafe Redesign for COVID-19

As the seating capacity of restaurants, coffee shops, food courts are getting reduced, long queues become a common scene. For some of these venues, there is a QR code check-in and temperature taking at the entrance. And yes, all these procedures take extra time. I do believe that customers do not like the new arrangement,Continue reading “Cafe Redesign for COVID-19”

Visual merchandising for your online store

Visual merchandising is normally associated with retail. However, with the new normal pushing more consumers online, it is important to have a good presence online with beautiful graphics and information on your products. For online, consumers visit the eCommerce site via mobile and web browsers. It is important to have an aesthetically pleasing online storeContinue reading “Visual merchandising for your online store”

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